
The Wolf

These aches and pains will they ever cease?
All the drugs should kill the beast...
this wolf inside with his teeth bared,
with this wolf my body I share.
He’s become an unwelcome guest
and day after day I do my best
to remember that I am not this disease.
But these aches and pains will the ever cease?


Tamika: said...

Good question.

My mother often moans the same question, I wish I could soothe all her aches away.

One day I will want someone to do the same for me.

Lovely post.

Tamara (TC) Staples said...


Sorry to hear that your mom has pain. Is it also from lupus and fibrmyalgia like mine? Sending her lots of pain free thoughts.


Laura said...

Hope you'll be feeling better soon.

Tamara (TC) Staples said...

Thanks, Drifter. It comes and goes with the weather, it appears. At least life doesn't get too boring! LOL!