
Who Am I?

Who am I meant to be?
A question worthy of pondering.
Was I placed on this earth for a reason?
If so, what is it, I’m wondering.

The things that I do feel frivolous;
certainly not worthy of merit.
If I have a higher purpose,
I sure wish God would share it.

It seems I walk through my days
stitching minute up tight to minute.
Hours fly by in a flash
What have I got to show for it?

If it isn’t yet quite clear to you,
then I will shout it as loud as I can...
I don’t have the faintest idea
who the hell I am.


Anonymous said...

Tamara, I really like the way you write... this is a lovely piece. Genece

Tamara (TC) Staples said...


Thanks for stopping by. What a treat to see your name in my comments. I am glad that you enjoyed the poem.
