
Simi Apologizes

Simi, our 8 month old puppy, seems to be experiencing the doggie equivalent of the terrible-twos. Undoubtedly our utter lack of discipline is at the core of this problem. We are in the process of re-establishing ourselves as owners and rulers of the house.

Simi is in the process of atoning for her "little" indiscretion as evidenced by the photo below.


Mike Golch said...

maybe it one of those oiops.sorry about that.
I hope that you are having a great day.my days are getting a little better.

Laura said...

Aww too cute.

Tamara (TC) Staples said...

Thanks Mike and Drifter! She really is a sweety and I couldn't stay mad at her. But, I hope that the bed peeing doesn't happen again. What a lot of work to wash EVERYTHING! ;-)

Corina said...

I was recently thinking that I might want to get a puppy to keep me company. Then I thought of all of the training and discipline and figured I'm better off alone.

This was cute! What a nice reminder that I made the right decision!

Tamara (TC) Staples said...

Oh, Corina, we don't waste time on training and discipline. We just let the dogs run the house and, if we are really nice to them, they let us continue to live here. LOL!