
The Wind

Trees bend their weight with the wind.
It pauses...they straighten and then
they bend and bend and bend
never knowing when it will end
or when the wind will come again.

I wrote this poem after the really strong winds we had last night. I was sitting and looking out the window at the trees. After it was written, I realized that it is an allegory for how I feel about my chronic pain and illness. The pain is what it is and will be with me until it isn’t any longer. I have managed to delink the pain from suffering. It is possible to have joy alongside pain.


Corina said...

The wind was absolutely horrible that night!

I can understand the pain connection. Very disturbing and upending, in fact.

How are you doing on NaNoWriMo? I finally caught up the other day. I'm currently a day ahead! I only hope I can maintain the lead!

Jill Kemerer said...

I like how you view your illness. Bending, not breaking.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Tamara (TC) Staples said...

Corina, Well as you can tell by my just responding to your comment that I was having trouble staying up with NaNo. My story just was dragging along for the longest time. Finally about a week ago it picked up speed. Thank goodness. Today I could hardly type fast enough to keep up with the flow of dialogue in my head. Very exciting. I am a bit ahead now. I want to finish before Turkey Day and I am on schedule to do that.

How are you doing? Are you caught up? Are you loving your story? I can't wait to talk to you more about it sometime.

Jill, thank you. Yes, I do see the resilience in myself to keep overcoming obstacles. It was funny that I didn't think of illness when writing the poem, but saw the connection afterwards. Thanks for stopping by. I hope that you are having a beautiful Sunday. Whoa...the sun just came out here and it is bright! ;-)

Karen said...

Love the connection you made there. Trees and wind can show us so much, can't they?

How's NaNo treating you? The year I did it I also sadistically did NaBloMo and blogged daily as well. The two were a fantastic start of a whole lot of new things. Looking forward to hearing what NaNo brings you!

Tamara (TC) Staples said...

Karen, I also tried to do NaNO and NaBloMo last month and fell woefully behind on the blogging right away. The fiction writing is really more important to me. If you notice, I have been seriously ignoring my blog this month. This year began with some difficulty. I decided to not have an outline and character sketches going in. I wanted the characters to tell me the story. It was agony for half a month. Then, they all began talking so fast that I can't keep up typing...and I type fast! All in all I would say this is a better experience over last year when I was ultimately prepared.

Did you participate this year? Did you do anything with your novel from when you did participate? NaNo has taught me that I LOVE writing fiction! ;-)

Wendy Love said...

Congratulations on finishing NaNoWriMo! That is great!

Tamara (TC) Staples said...

Wendy -

Thank you! How is your writing going?

Now that I am finished I hope to catch up on blogs and see what all of my friends have been up to.

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Jeanette Levellie said...

Do you think the deeper the roots, the less they will break? I like to think of my roots going deep into the soil and water of God's amazing love, so that when winds come, trying to break me in two, I will bend, then stand upright again.

Praying for grace for you,
Audience of ONE

Tamara (TC) Staples said...

Jeanette, Yes. I visualize myself rooting deep into the earth often and then opening above to the light of God. ;-)